Project management, completion
Our colleagues are highly qualified professionals who place great emphasis on their continuous professional development.
We always adapt to the requirements and the needs of our customers, and complete our tasks to a high standard.
We are using high-quality raw materials and the most appropriate tools for our work processes.
Phone number:
+36 70 321 2301
Our main business profile is to install building services in industrial facilities, office buildings and special buildings. Our services cover the construction and maintenance of water, heating, air handling and air conditioning systems.
We undertake the installation, modernization and implementation of complete building services in all areas of residential building services. We undertake the construction and maintenance of water, heating and air handling systems.
If you have any questions, please call us or send us a message, we are happy to help you!
Feel free to contact us using the form below, and our colleagues will contact you soon!
Feel free to contact us using the form below!
© 2024 NDL Invest Kft.
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